Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fishers of Men - Excerpt from the Queen Kimela Report - Listen Up Ladies to Your Intuition

Red Flags Can Be Hazardous to Emotional Health

Relationship red flags to me are anything that you feel uncomfortable. I have a girlfriend who married her best friend, knowing that she had some uncomfortable feelings about him being secretly gay. I told her many times not to marry him. I told her that he was gay, that he was not right for her, and she knew it.

She married him anyway. Two years, and one child later, he came dancing out of the closet she had forced him into. As women, we have strong intuition. We just choose to ignore it. When people come to me to ask questions, usually they already know the answer. They just want confirmation from an outside source.

Stop doing that. Trust the source of your intuition. The question is usually the answer. It is that simple.

I needed a person who could totally understand and love all of my personalities. I needed a person, who I could dream with and accomplish things. I needed a husband who would not be jealous because I am a very outgoing, creative and sensual.

I love to laugh. He certainly had to have a sense of humor. I love to write. He certainly had to love literature and poetry. I value education. He had to value it too.

Family is very important. He had to have a strong sense of family. I laid all of my cards on the table before I got married. I required him to do the very same thing. We looked at what we had, and decided to take a chance. We have been together now for almost seventeen years. I still feel like I just met him yesterday because we bring out new and exciting things in each other all the time.

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